
Home school with Andrea Fraser

If you were wondering what Andrea Fraser, whose performance piece at the PMA I told you about here, is doing now, I just stumbled into some information about her. She’s participating in what sounds like a great show in New York, “Home” at American Fine Arts, 530 W. 22nd St. 212-727-7366 (apparently no website).

The writeup in artnet, and the photo there show the exhibit looking like a high school classroom (green boards and student desks).

What’s more fun is that the show’s organizer, LA photographer Patterson Beckwith, organized an entire curriculum of “home schooling” events in the gallery, where students can attend sessions taught by specialists in topics like Samba or Salsa dancing — that’s Fraser’s gig — or, my favorite “brainstorming for beginners.” Here’s the webpage listing all the home school choices.

Beckwith is a collaborationist, apparently with a nice sense of humor.
