
More great talks

The excellent curator of photographs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art will speak at the Print Center this season. She’s not the only one of interest.

Kate Ware has been opening eyes in that dog of a hallway at the PMA, creating small, interesting shows from the collection, including the excellent “Mavericks of Color” show now hanging (see posts here and here). She’ll speak at the Print Center Nov. 3.

In a schedule with a number of attractions, another highlight is a series of portfolio reviews, with Sheryl Conkelton, Amy Lipton and Miriam Seidel. Conkelton is Tyler School of Art’s director of exhibitions and public programs; Lipton is Abington Art Center’s recently arrived curator; and Seidel, curator at the galleries at the Gershman Y also has written for Art in America. A fee of $15 for members, $30 for others, applies.

Tomorrow’s speaker is photographer-alchemist Robert Asman, and I got a reminder about these programs from Ellie Brown, who is also on the list of speakers, along with Andrew Jeffrey Wright and Candy DePew. Check out the schedule here.
