
Nosebleed Season 2 Chapter 1

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Nosebleed Season 2 Chapter 1

38 panel comic entitled “Nosebleed”  by Derick Jones. Letters by Kyle Arrends, Edited by NM.Scuri. —

Panel 1: Police files of victims. Panel 2: Tilda being questioned by two police officers. Detective “You know what’s weird about those three dead kids right there? The fact that you’ve been at every one of their deaths.” The other detective, “So how’s that happen?” Panel 3: Tilda, “I dunno.” Panel 4: Detective, Oh I think you do. We know they bullied you and your friends.” Panel 5: Tilda, “Yean and nobody cared to stop that.” Panel 6: Close-up of cup with droplet hitting. Detective off panel asks, “Now they’re dead and you wanna talk. You ask me.” Panel 7: Tilda who’s nose is dripping says, “They got what they deserved.” Panel 8: View of the two detectives with the one way glass behind them starting to crack. Panel 9: Tilda’s mom barges in, “What the hells going on in here?” Panel 10: Detective, “Mam you can’t…” Mom interupts, “No you can’t.” Panel 11: Now Tilda’s mom is standing next to her, “She’s a minor.” Panel 12: Detective responds, “Whose a prime suspect in three murders.” Panel 13: Close-up of Tilda’s mom, “What? How?” Panel 14: Detective responds, “That’s what were trying to figure out.” Panel 15: Tilda’s mom is leading her out of the room, “My daughter didn’t murder anyone! And if you wanna figure it out so bad.” Panel 16: Tilda’s mom continues while pushing Tilda down the hall, “You can talk to our lawyer.” Panel 17: Detective, “Like they can afford one.” Panel 18: Tilda and her mom are walking in a basement parking garage. Mom, “What the hell did you do this time?” Tilda responds, “Nothin mom.” Panel 19: Mom responds, “Then why are the fucking cops talking to you?” Tilda replies, “I-Idon’t know ok.” Panel 20: Mom, “What do you mean you don’t know!” Tilda, “I said…” Panel 21: Tilda close-up, “I don’t…” Panel 22: Tilda screams, “KNOW!” shattering glass in cars and lights. Panel 23: Car alarms start blaring. Tilda crying on the ground says, “It’s not fair.” Panel 24: Tilda continues, “We’re the real fucking victims.” Panel 25: Tilda’s mom is holding her, “It’s ok baby.” Panel 26: Car alarms are still blaring, her mom continues, “Let’s just get you home.” Panel 27: The detectives are conversing, “well what do we do now?” Panel 28: The other detective, “I guess we wait on the coroner and forensics reports.” Panel 29: Another officer comes to the detectives. “Hey! Forensics just pulled the footage from inside the bodega.” Panel 30: He continues, “You gotta see this.” Panel 31: The three are watching a monitor. Panel 32: Close-up of a computer keyboard. Panel 33-36: The screen shows a replay of Tilda engaging the powers and bursting one of the girl’s heads. Panel 37: One detective says, “Did you see a gun?” The other responds, “I aint see nothing. Just her hand.” Panel 38: The detective offers, “Maybe it’s witch-craft?”

End NOSEBLEED Season 2 Chapter 1 

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Nosebleed Season 2 Chapter 1

Season 1 Below –

Nosebleed chapters so far, 1234567891011
