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The dot and the line

Heather Levy, DC painter and video artist emailed that she had posted some animations on her website. I spent a lovely 15 minutes watching and listening to the by turns funny, trippy, sweet and art-historically interesting work. Highly as in two enthusiastic thumbs up recommended.

The one I love best is an exuberant “buffalo bill” which proves the genius of that children’s book “The Dot and the Line.” You don’t need much to make some wonderful art: A few dots, a line or two and voila.

“Bill” trips along with a manic keyboard melody that took me to the land of Fellini’s parade at the end of “8 and 1/2” and all the while my eyes got a workout with watery sharpie marker drawings of targets, wiggly lines, spirals and bouncy dots. This work is so uplifting I want to give it a kiss.
Also highly recommended, Levy’s two Whitney installation videos (she did a banksy in a bathroom intervention). And the sponge art pieces (spirals painted onto a sponge set afloat in water where the spirals swirl and disintigrate over time). The sponge spirals do a great update on the Smithson Spiral Jetty, bringing humor where there was none. And some thoughts about what’s eternal, too. And maybe some thoughts about domesticity. But you be the judge.

