
The work of DUMBO

We got a newsy note from Space 1026er Jesse Olanday with links to some great pictures about the creation of the collective’s installation in the DUMBO Art Center‘s Festival last weekend.

(image is early stage of building the installation)

Olanday and Max Lawrence appear to have been the designated installers for the Space 1026 piece. And Olanday’s photo spread at his flickr site documents the 5-day odyssey of setting up the piece — made possible with a lot of coffee and little sleep.


I highly recommend a stroll through the photos since they — and Olanday’s short descriptions — are great documentation about the work of art, something that’s never visible once the finished art is up and lit and on the wall.

(image is the finished installation, which looks like it’s a combination picket fence arrangement or skateboard ramps stacked up or a profusion of skateboards — all wheatpasted with those great Space 1026 images. I believe Olanday says somewhere that this installation is a working out of ideas for the group’s upcoming Yerba Buena installation. That YB group show is in February.)

