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What we love about the internet

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Let me here echo Libby’s post. We had such a delightful time with Los Angeles artist and blogger Carol Es and her best bud artist Elizabeth Hoffman that it once again proved to me the wonders of the internet.

We never would have met these two artists whose sense of fun was energizing and whose art is full of sweet dark humor without the great global internet which facilitates the community of art lovers finding each other. We at artblog in Philadelphia are happy to be transmitting our signal via the internet, especially when it makes great people want to come to our fair city. Hooray!



(The top image shows the two young artists enjoying art at Nexus. Click the image to see it bigger. That’s Libby snapping a picture. Next image is one of Es’s pin drawings (string wrapped around pins) and after that is one of Hoffman’s glove dolls (made with knitted gloves I believe).)

That’s it. Just a little morning kiss to blogger and google and gmail and comcast and all the other internet facilitators that keep it going on (spammers excluded from this embrace).

