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Tallman and Out of the Blue

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John Tallman

Picture is a stack of paintings on plexiglas by John Tallman. The light shines through the plexi and adds yet more otherworldly color to the day-glow piece. Click to see it bigger.

Just a quick note today that I will follow up on later. Abington Art Center’s geo-eco-weather-themed show Out of the Blue has a lot of terrific work in it. And in the community gallery, local artist John Tallman‘s colorful abstract works on plexiglas, canvas and paper and his cookie-like sculptural objects are magical adornment in the beautiful room with the bay window and fireplace. I visited Tallman’s studio a while back and will report. Meanwhile if you’re out at the Art Center, check out both exhibits.


And here’s a link to my flickr set on the shows.
