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Lightpour overfloweth

by Xiang Yang, one of his many embroidered pieces in plastic lunch containers that suggest Chinese hand labor, global markets and global manufacturing, as well as longing.*

I just put up my photos up on Flickr from the terrific show at Pageant, Everything is Lightpour, featuring work by Xiang Yang and by Hunter Stabler. If you missed Roberta’s post on this, you can see it here.

If you haven’t seen this show or even been to this gallery, this would be the perfect time to check it out. The gallery, run by Daniel Dalseth, continues to show often unexpected work of fine quality.


*Some of the longing is sexual, some not, but it’s always there, along with the cartoon stretch of high-speed imagery, the use of borrowed pop culture imagery, and the accumulation of threads that recalls work from Do Ho Suh as well as from Lin Tianmiao.
