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Pepon Osorio in Sao Paolo Biennial

Pepon Osorio
Detail, Trials and Turbulence, ICA, 2004. Photo by Aaron igler

Artist, blogger and artblog pal Rob Matthews emailed to say he’d heard that our town’s Pepon Osorio was in the upcoming Sao Paolo Biennial and that what he was showing was his 2004 ICA installation Trials and Turbulence.



In an email Osorio, new-minted Pew fellow and 1999 MacArthur fellow, confirmed it.

Pepon Osorio
Trials and Turbulence, detail. Photo by Aaron Igler

“Yes indeed, I’m leaving on the 28th and I’m also taking two Tyler students with me,” wrote the artist who teaches at Tyler School of Art. We at artblog are complete Osorio-fanatics. This is an artist whose heartfelt works about crime, poverty, and the systemic wrongs committed against people and especially against children, are gut-wrenching hallucinations. Here’s my post on his ICA show and here’s Libby’s.


The Tyler graduate students going to Sao Paolo with Osorio are Rachel Schaffran, Dept. Art and Art Education and Sara Jane Muratori, Printmaking. Freddy H. Idoña of the Escuela de Artes Plasticas of Puerto Rico is also going along, said Osorio.

The theme of the 27th Sao Paolo Biennial, taking place Oct 7-Dec 17, 2206, is all about living together — shared space, coexistence and cooperative practices. Some 118 artists from 51 countries will participate. Some of the names I recognized in the list of artists are: Ana Mendieta, Mark Bradford, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Tacita Dean, Thomas Hirschhorn, Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Atelier Bow-Wow (well I really don’t recognize the last one but I love the name).

Congratulations, Pepon! We look forward to hearing all about it.
