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New York chilly and grumpy

Doug Aitken, Cate Fallon
Cate Fallon, photo of Doug Aitken multi-channel projection “Sleepwalkers” seen in the MoMA Sculpture Garden

So this is just a quick blast from the arctic chill that was our trip to New York yesterday. We ended the day at MoMA for the Doug Aitken Sleepwalkers, a multi-channel video projection on the exterior of the museum. Above is a photo by my sister, Cate. She took a bunch of great ones and you can see them here on flickr.

I took some shots too, in between griping and grumping about the cold. Below is one of my fuzzy shots and more are here.
Libby will post hers too, so look for those coming up.


Our buddy Brent Burket also has lovely shots of the piece and posts about it at Heart as Arena and at the Creative Time blog.

Doug Aitkin- Sleepwalkers
Donald Sutherland on MoMA’s 53rd St. wall above the entrance. (my fuzzy photo)

My guess is that the Aitken piece is great — but I didn’t really see it. It was too cold and I was too uncomfortable to focus. I don’t ordinarily whine about art projects but I want to complain here about somebody’s idea to put video art (which is time-based and requires, here, perhaps as much as 15 minutes to see it all) outside in the winter. Why not in July–run it as midnight movies and let people hang out when they might really care to do so.


Unlike The Gates (Feb. 2005) in Central Park, this foray into public art at night in the winter requires viewer stasis instead of ambulation. And for that it required too much of a viewer, even one, like me, pre-disposed to want to be there for at least 15 minutes. –Your pal, Grumpy.
