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More background worth noting

Post from artist Emily Brown

brownfallenwebThe etching you write about [Nov. 16, in reference to a piece in Brown’s show at Gallery Joe]… is in fact a fallen branch, an image especially meaningful to me in October of 2001 when I was first working with Master Printer C.R. Ettinger.

The first state of it is a line etching. The one of which you’ve written is a later state, worked a year later, which has tones through the addition of spit bite, aquatint and a trace of dry point.


Coincidentally, the day I began working on the latter state, Sept. 11, 2002, a heavy dark wind storm knocked over the tree directly outside Ms. Ettinger’s print studio – seeming a tiny but disturbing anniversary echo.

–Emily Brown’s work will remain on exhibit at Gallery Joe until Dec. 20.
