
Socialist Grocery October 2023

Socialist Grocery October 2023
Socialist Grocery October 2023

Dialogue and Transcription

In an 8-panel comic part of the series Socialist Grocery by Oli Knowles, Sebastian is asked, “Why its so busy today? It’s crazy out there right now”. In panel 2 Sebastian wonders, “Is it a game day? Panel 3 a coworker responds, “Oh, no. It’s not game day. Today’s Tuesday.” Panel 4 Sebastian is surprised, “Woah-So there’s one specific weekday that games always fall on? I love social science. What day is game day? I want to record our sales, take note of traffic, covid numbers see trends.” Panel 5 the coworker responds, “I hate social science. I do what I want, when I want.” Panel 6 Sebastian is taking it all in and the coworker continues, “I’m different. I’m vintage. I’m on a nostalgia kick. I see emo bands that everyone forgets about.” Panel 7, the coworker continues, “I’ve been to three concerts just this week. I don’t like masculinity. I like music. I like ‘me’.” In the final panel the coworker says, “I won’t let game day control my heart,” and Sebastian agrees, “You’re right. Me too.”

Looking for more Socialist Grocery and Oli? #87

