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Handmade Judd

Post from Astrid Bowlby

finkleaemptypages1For an amazing exhibition of what you might call a “color field” painter, I highly recommend Kevin Finklea‘s show at Pentimenti (image, “Empty Pages #1). [Editor’s note: while you’re going to Pentimenti, why not stop in at Becker for a color-field painter comparison?]

Also [in response to Libby’s post]:


Donald Judd’s sculptures are not factory made. It would be more appropriate to call them workshop made, and it is important to note that they were made by highly skilled individuals.

To say factory made conjures up an assembly line, as in car manufacturing, but this is not the case with his work. I recommend the ARTFORUM Summer 2004 issue for more on Judd’s work and process.

–contributor and artist Astrid Bowlby shows at Gallery Joe.

