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The wonder of light

philacityhalllightupI brought my camera along when I went out tonight because I knew I’d be near City Hall and I knew that at 6 p.m. or so the city fathers and mothers were going to flip the switch on some floodlights and light up the 19th Century wedding cake for the first time ever in its history.

So here you have it, a City Hall groupie’s picture of the building looking like a crystal palace in the inky night.

I read in today’s paper that it cost $750,000 to implement the night time lighting, and that the city coughed up $140,000 and the rest came from the owners of the surrounding buildings who not only agreed to host the floodlights but willingly gave money for the effort. Huzzah for the noble corporations and their contribution towards nighttime beauty!


You might question the money going into this — and indeed into the City Hall cleanup (we’re talking millions) which has been going on for over a year. But I say it’s money well spent. It’s turned an eyesore into a pearl and something to be proud of in a city ever looking for such.
