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Report from Tamil Nadu

Post by Madelon Galland


[I received this email, forwarded to me via a chain of mutual friends. –Libby]


I was in Auroville when the Tsunami hit and the buildings where my friends were staying were all destroyed, but no one was hurt and there were no deaths in the Auroville area. We were blessed.

Auroville has set up a refugee camp and is providing relief for many homeless villagers whose houses were destroyed. [Go here for more info about Auroville and tsunami].

gallandtsunamidetThis part of India (Tamil Nadu) was hit hard but not so bad as Sri Lanka and Indonesia of course. I still haven’t seen the tv but the newspaper images have been horrifying. Somehow making an art piece seemed the only thing I could do in the moment.


Madelon Galland is an intervention artist and printmaker in New York.
