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Milwaukee in the art forum

naumanroseart Thanks to artforum news for a refer to a March 25 story by Mary Louise Schumaker in the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel about a curatorial appointment at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Joseph D. Ketner II. director of the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University, will be the MAM’s new chief curator. Ketner is a specialist in modern and contemporary art and according to the article, one of his first projects will be a show of interactive light works by Bruce Nauman. Nauman — and here’s some news — lived in Milwaukee as a boy. But his work has never been shown there. (image is a Nauman neon and word piece, some of the words say “SMILE AND DIE, FUCK AND LIVE, STAND AND DIE, SIT AND LIVE,” etc.)

Here’s links to some of The Rose Art’s past exhibits, which include Barry McGee, William Kentridge and others; and to its future exhibits which include Fred Tomaselli and Bruce Nauman’s light works (which might be the one coming in to Milwaukee?)


No word yet on whether the MAM has achieved its $25 million dollars-worth of pledges to defray the cost of the Calatrava addition. They were at $22 million a few months ago and seem to still be at $22 million according to the article.
