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Reading Philly in artnet

Artnet’s always newsy news roundup yesterday included three items with Philadelphia connections. Here.

1. Proposed Calder museum for the parkway on hold according to unnamed insiders. Money is the issue.

2. Larry Mangel of Bozart toys launches a new art/design enterprise Cerealart (brain food, get it). Products by international superstars Yoshitomo Nara, Laurie Simmons, Ryan McGinniss and more. Cute flash website, same format as Bozart.


3. On a sadder note, German artist Jorg Immendorff, whose “I wanted to be an artist” exhibit was a great show this year at Moore College of Art and Design, was found guilty and given a fine and a suspended sentence on a cocaine possession charge. The artist, late 50s, has the nerve-degenerative ALS disease and the story says his painting arm is already paralyzed. Libby and I both wrote about the show for artblog (check the artists index) and I wrote about it for PW (check PW archives) and for artnet (Philadelphia Story).

