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The blog topic that refused to die–Lisa Yuskavage and John Currin

Post by Sid Sachs

Lisa Yuskavage has GREAT problems with handling, facture, color, scale, and space. That doesn’t even enter issues of subject matter.

That being said, it was marvelous that the ICA had a retrospective of an artist with local roots. Same with Polly Apfelbaum. And great to hear they will be showing Patty Smith and Pepon Ossorio.

This is a trend that Patrick Murphy started–giving real credence to local talent on par with the International scene. I applaud the ICA and also find it ironic that it has been the Auslanders who have appreciated that talent. It wasn’t always the same.

currinjauntyandmameI would have all look again at John Currin’s paintings (his “Jaunty and Mame” shown left). Don’t mention Yuskavage and Currin in the same breath. I hope to get out to Chicago to see his retrospective. Yes they are obnoxious but well painted in a convincing, conservative way. [editor’s note: check out for still another view on Currin.]

Sid Sachs is director of the Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia

