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Frankly my dear


If you live with a teenage girl you probably know the name Paul Frank. He’s the designer of cute, cartoony animals that appear on the must-have juniors’ clothing for the last couple seasons. Of course Frank has a boutique in Soho and wouldn’t you know we found it. (image top is the flag with Julius the monkey outside the PF store on Mulberry St.)

Stella pronounced the boutique a disappointment as a shopping destination (too small).


But while I waited outside I found something that made the trip a success for me — a grafitti monkey spray-painted on a wall across the street from the store.

Call it Julius’s evil twin. I loved it. Whether it sprung from an anti-globalist mindset or one of pure unadulterated jealousy I loved the sass of it. (image above)


Next to Julius’s evil twin was another grafitti art drawing (maybe by the same artist?) coupled with stencilled word art. (image below)

prayforpillsI had seen the little octopus on other walls but never accompanied by words.

Here, the slogan “PRAY FOR PILLS” was a lovely twist on “POST NO BILLS.” I’m guessing the word art is by another artist.


You don’t often find grafitti with a sense of humor. Guerilla Girl posters come to mind of course but I can’t think of what else. I was happy to get my yuks where I found them.
